SHObject Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in SHObject.h


Base class of StreetHawk objects, such as SHInstall, SHAlertSettings. It provides basic properties and common functions. If would like to create a new StreetHawk object, inherit from this base class and do:


– initWithSuid:

Create a SHObject with suid, which is unique id of the object in server. suid is mandatory for a StreetHawk object, but other properties are not ready when initWithSuid:. If would like to get other properties, either there is a dictionary from server so call loadFromDictionary:, or request from server by loadFromServer:.

- (id)initWithSuid:(NSString *)suid



Unique primary key match to StreetHawk server. This cannot be empty.

Declared In




Unique primary Id.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *suid

Declared In


Communicate With Server

– serverLoadURL

The URL that is used to load this object from the server. It’s relative path to main host url, and no need to include parameter such as installid. A sample for load install details is @“installs/details/”.

- (NSString *)serverLoadURL

Declared In


– loadFromDictionary:

Normally the object is requested from server. Server returns json and parsed to be dictionary, use this method to fill properties from dictionary.

- (void)loadFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict



Server return json information.

Declared In


– loadFromServer:

Send a request to StreetHawk server and fill the properties of this object. The process is common, normally child class should not override this function. It does:

- (void)loadFromServer:(SHCallbackHandler)load_handler



Asynchronous callback for handling.


  1. Send request to StreetHawk server, formatted by serverLoadURL.
  2. Get the request’s response, process it. If meet error call load_handler to return; if not call loadFromDictionary: to fill properties and then call load_handler to return.

Declared In


– serverSaveURL

The URL that is used to post save request to server. It’s relative path to main host url, and no need to include paramter such as installid. A sample for save install is @“installs/update/”.

- (NSString *)serverSaveURL

Declared In


– saveBody

The content post to server for saving this object, it must be an NSDictionary.

- (NSDictionary *)saveBody

Declared In


– saveToServer:

Send a request to StreetHawk server and post the content of this object to save. The process is common, normally child class should not override this function. It does:

- (void)saveToServer:(SHCallbackHandler)save_handler


  1. Send request to StreetHawk server, formatted by serverSaveURL.
  2. Get the request’s response, process it. If meet error call save_handler to return; if not check whether it returns json, if so call loadFromDictionary: to fill properties, and then call save_handler to return.

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