ISHCustomiseHandler Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in ISHCustomiseHandler.h


Customer override these functions to provide their own customised functions.

– shRawJsonCallbackWithTitle:withMessage:withJson:

Streethawk calls [ISHCustomiseHandler shRawJsonCallbackWithTitle:withMessage:withJson:] function when a customized notification code 8049 arrives at device. Customer is responsible to handle this message by their own code:

- (void)shRawJsonCallbackWithTitle:(NSString *)title withMessage:(NSString *)message withJson:(NSString *)json



Title of the payload.


Message of the payload.


Json string, usually parse to NSDicationary. Use system API NSJSONSerialization, or use StreetHawk utility function NSDictionary *dict = shParseObjectToDict(json).


  1. Customer App create class (assume named MyHandler) inherit from ISHCustomiseHandler and implement this function.
  2. Customer App call [StreetHawk shSetCustomiseHandler:<instance_MyHandler> to register the observer.
  3. When StreetHawk sends 8049, customer’s implementation is triggered.

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– onReceive:clickButton:

Streethawk calls [ISHCustomiseHandler onReceive:clickButton:] function when needs to display confirm dialog UI. Default it will display a UIAlertView, and customer is capable to override this confirm dialog UI with their own code:

- (BOOL)onReceive:(PushDataForApplication *)pushData clickButton:(ClickButtonHandler)handler



Information from notification. Customer developer can use the information to create their own confirm dialog.


After click button call this to let StreetHawk continue process.

Return Value

If this push can be handled by one callback, return YES; if not handle this push, return NO. For example, customer handler may handle one action, so return YES for this action and return NO for others to let StreetHawk handle the rest.


  1. Customer App create class (assume named MyHandler) inherit from ISHCustomiseHandler and implement this function.
  2. pushData contains notification information, such as title, message, data etc. Customer can show their own dialog using these information.
  3. After showing customer confirm dialog UI, if still wish to use StreetHawk functions, call handler and let StreetHawk to handle the rest automatically.
  4. If not use StreetHawk function, not call handler and implement by your own. Remember to call [PushDataForApplication sendPushResult] to send result to server.
  5. Customer App call [StreetHawk shSetCustomiseHandler:<instance_MyHandler> to register the callback.

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– onReceiveResult:withResult:

Streethawk calls [ISHCustomiseHandler onReceiveResult:withResult:] function when sending push result to server, customer App can implement this to do some action. For example, if user choose SHResult_Decline it can pop up feedback dialog asking why. Note: this can happen both FG and BG, check pushData.isAppOnForeground to know the status, if in BG it cannot do UI stuff.

- (void)onReceiveResult:(PushDataForApplication *)pushData withResult:(SHResult)result



Information from notification. Customer developer can use the information to know what notification is handled.


The result user decides for this notification.

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